Withdrawal Management

Ambulatory withdrawal management (e.g. ‘home detox’) offered through primary care services, can reduce barriers that Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander peoples face in accessing withdrawal management. Patients need to be carefully selected given the high prevalence of medical or mental health comorbidity. If home environment is not suitable, another family member or friend may be able to provide a safer setting.  

Individuals with complex medical, mental health or substance use histories, or repeated relapses are likely to require inpatient or residential treatment.   

Chapter Recommendation Grade of recommendation
15.22 Where it is medically safe to do so and appropriate, and when a safe and supportive environment is available, offer home withdrawal management for clients with less severe alcohol dependence. D
15.23 Individuals with complex physical, mental health or social needs may require residential withdrawal management with or without residential rehabilitation. GPP
15.24 There should be integration between various stages of treatment (e.g. withdrawal management, relapse prevention, ongoing care) with case management. This includes outreach or community case management as needed. GPP