Chapter 2 - Prevalence of Alcohol Consumption and Related Harms in Australia

Authors | Benjamin Riordan, Daniel Winter & Paul Haber

Alcohol offers a mixed legacy to our society, having long been used in a broad range of social, cultural, and religious contexts; some societies routinely permit alcohol use while others frown upon or ban consumption. Reasons for consuming alcohol include relaxation, enjoyment, or as part of a celebration, or in response to boredom, sorrow, sadness or trauma. Frequent consumption can often lead to a habit or compulsive use of alcohol, with a dose-dependent relationship existing between alcohol use and related harms. Such harms include chronic and acute harms to the self, harms to others, along with boarder socioeconomic consequences from alcohol consumption.


Cite the Chapter: Riordan BC, Winter DT, Haber PS (2021). Prevalence of Alcohol Consumption and Related Harms in Australia. In Haber PS, Riordan BC (Eds.). Guidelines for the Treatment of Alcohol Problems (4th edition). Sydney: Specialty of Addiction Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Health, The University of Sydney