Broker/Generalist Case Management

Broker/Generalist case management is the traditional style of case management. This type of case management is widely used in the drug and alcohol field and emphasises assessing client needs, providing referrals to other services and providing coordination and monitoring of treatment. Case management has been found to improve and increase linkage with services among people with substance use disorders, including alcohol. 

While there exists a moderate amount of scientific literature examining case management, the generalisability of findings is limited.  Studies often lack adequate descriptions, or the intervention is poorly defined; and inconsistencies in the application of the intervention, or poor intervention fidelity are common. These limitations make it difficult to properly control for non-experimental variables.  However, there is current evidence to support case management can enhance linkage with other services and may improve retention in treatment. While evidence that case management reduces alcohol problems, or produces other beneficial outcomes is not conclusive, longer retention in treatment has been linked to improved outcomes.