Providing Support to Mothers and Babies and Education to the Partners in Their Lives

Supporting Pregnant Women, Mothers and Babies

To increase the likelihood of healthy outcomes for mother and baby, women need to trust their healthcare providers and feel they receive good advice and support. Clinicians can earn this trust by being available, approachable, non-judgmental and willing to care for and support their pregnant and breastfeeding patients even if they choose to drink. 

Educating Partners and Family

It is important that partners be educated about the risks associated with women drinking during pregnancy and how they can support their female partner, and any other family members, during pregnancy and breastfeeding. In particular, close family can best support women who are pregnant or breastfeeding by not drinking near them, or by refraining from drinking. 

Chapter Recommendation Grade of recommendation
14.12 Assessment of the family unit is an essential aspect of managing substance use in women. Intervention should be directed to the whole family unit to reduce consumption of alcohol. GPP