Other Medications

Other medications that have been evaluated for the treatment of AUD include serotonergic agents, gabapentin, anti-psychotics, varenicline, GHB and prazosin. However none of these agents can be recommended at this stage. 

While some patients commonly seek benzodiazepines, no studies support their efficacy in reducing alcohol use beyond the immediate withdrawal period, and indeed there may be adverse interactions between benzodiazepines and alcohol. 

Antidepressants have been evaluated in several trials and are not recommended as relapse prevention agents for AUD.

Chapter Recommendation Grade of recommendation
10.19 Other medications may appear promising agents in the management of AUD. However, further research is required and they are not recommended at this stage. B
10.20 Benzodiazepines are contraindicated as relapse prevention agents in the treatment of AUD. GPP
10.21 There is little evidence that antidepressants can be recommended as relapse prevention agents in the treatment of AUD. B